The Culinary Alchemist's Blog

Welcome To The Culinary Alchemist Blog

Posted in Raw Food by theculinaryalchemist on August 17, 2009
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Chef Moon with Salad [1]

Raw Gourmet Chef Catherine Moon


This is my first post as “The Culinary Alchemist.”  I know there are a couple other individuals out there who have been assuming this title, and I’ve seen a lot of people on the web throwing around the term culinary alchemy, and it all has been related to the science behind making food taste good. I think it’s time to redefine culinary alchemy, or at least broaden the term to not only encompass the taste of food but also to embrace the healing properties inherent in the foods we eat, assuming that the food we’re eating is healing.

Let’s look at the history of alchemy.  The original alchemists were trying to transmute base metals into gold, in hopes of creating an elixir that would cure all diseases and give us eternal youth.  So it seems more fitting that culinary alchemy be associated with that same quest to cure disease and give us eternal youth.  It is this very quest that led me to discover for myself the raw food lifestyle and to becoming a gourmet raw vegan chef.

This culinary alchemy is the start of a greater, deeper and more rewarding journey for me, and I hope to take a lot of other beautiful souls along for the ride.  I’m determined to gather all the information I can regarding the healing properties of plants and herbs and then provide you with some kick ass recipes to help you heal yourself while enjoying your food immensely.  It is my goal that none of us ever feel deprived by a restrictive diet, but instead enjoy new and exciting foods that satisfy us on many levels. I invite you all to share any knowledge you discover along your path and how certain foods have helped you heal, so we can help each other to heal and take this whole thing to another blessed level. I’m so excited to share this journey with you all! And can’t wait to get started!

My first contribution to you is one of my favorites…a beet and kale salad:

First let’s talk about beets. Beets are a great source of fiber and can help relieve constipation. Let’s face it, most, if not all disease in the body can be linked to poor elimination which also blocks the absorption of vitamins and minerals that the body needs to thrive. Beets are high in anti-oxidants and loaded with vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, niacin, manganese, copper, biotin, vitamins A & C, and B vitamin folate (the natural form of folic acid). So beets simultaneously help with elimination and provide you with lots of good stuff for your body to absorb. Beets are said to help prevent heart disease and certain cancers (particularly colon cancer), as well as prevent birth defects. Beets help stimulate liver cell function, which helps protect the liver and bile ducts. Beets have blood cleansing and blood building properties which can help those with anemia. Beets are highly alkaline and are helpful in treating acidosis. They contain Betaine which is anti-inflamatory. They are also rich in micronutrients, like carotenoids beta-carotene and lutein/zeaxanthin which may help slow the development of age-related degeneration of the retina and cataracts. The green leafy tops of beets are also packed with vitamins and minerals and are also high in chlorophyll which helps deliver oxygen to the blood.

Are you sold on beets yet? Here’s a few other things they are said to help: headaches, toothaches, jaundice, menstrual problems, dysentary, skin problems. Need I go on?

I would like to tell you about another powerhouse food, Kale.  Kale is also very high in fiber. It’s loaded with vitamins and minerals like calcium, lutein, iron, and Vitamins A, B6, C, E and K. Kale has seven times the beta-carotene of broccoli and ten times more lutein. Kale’s high sulfur content helps boost the body’s detoxification enzymes, which in turn helps clear carcinogenic substances from the body. Here’s a nice tidbit:

“Sulforaphane is formed when cruciferous vegetables like kale are chopped or chewed. This somehow triggers the liver to produce enzymes that detoxify cancer causing chemicals, of which we all are exposed on daily basis. A recently new study in the Journal of Nutrition (2004) demonstrates that sulforaphane helps stop breast cancer cell proliferation.” from The Health Benefits of Kale, by Dr. Linda Posh

So with all that said, I’m sure you are all eager to make something yummy using these ingredients. So here’s my favorite…

Beet and Kale Salad

1 large bunch of kale chopped
1 large beet julienned
Greens from the beet finely chopped
Olive oil to coat greens
1 large clove of garlic minced
1/2 vidalia onion finely diced
1/2 lemon juiced
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp raw agave nectar
1/2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp sea salt
1/8 tsp cayenne

Put all the ingredients except the root of the beet (do put in the beet greens) into a large mixing bowl and mix it thoroughly with your hands being sure to squeeze and massage the greens as you go to soften them up. Do this for several minutes and put lots of loving energy into your food, as a loving intention is powerfully healing! When the greens seem to be softened, add the julienned beet root  and mix that in well.

Abundant Blessings,
Catherine Moon
Culinary Alchemist in the Raw